Recent Posters
Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU) Posters
2013 DNP Fall Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii
- Unbound Resonances in Light Nuclei
Elizabeth Havens, Joseph Finck, Paul Gueye, Michael Thoennessen
4th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan Volume 59, Number 10, 2014; Waikoloa, Hawaii BAPS.2014.HAW.GB.41
2012 DNP Fall Meeting, Newport News, VA
- Composition of the 24O Ground-State Wave Function
R.A. Scotten, E. Traynor, P.A. DeYoung, N.T. Islam, R.A. Haring-Kaye, MoNA Collaboration
CEU Poster EA.00066, Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Newport News, VA (2012)
2011 DNP Fall Meeting, East Lansing, MI
- Modeling neutron events in MoNA-LISA using MCNPX
Margaret Kendra Elliston, Alexander Peters, Kristen Stryker, Sharon Stephenson, MoNA Collaboration
CEU Poster, Bulletin of the American Physical Society DNP11-2011-020055 (2011) - Calibration of the MoNA and LISA Arrays for the LISA Commissioning Experiment
A. Grovom, J. Kwiatkowski, W. F. Rogers, MoNA Collaboration CEU Poster, Bulletin of the American Physical Society DNP11-2011-02018 (2011) - Calibration of the Sweeper Chamber Charged-Particle Detectors for the LISA Commissioning Experiment
J. Kwiatkowski, A. Grovom, W. Rogers, Westmont College, MoNA Collaboration
CEU Poster, Bulletin of the American Physical Society DNP11-2011-020186 (2011) - Optical Attenuation in MoNA and LISA Detector Elements
Logan Rice, Jonathan Wong, MoNA Collaboration
CEU Poster, Bulletin of the American Physical Society DNP11-2011-020084 (2011)
2010 DNP Fall Meeting, Santa Fe, NM
- Testing the Large-area multi-Institutional Scintillator Array (LISA) Neutron Detector
T. B. Nagi, K. M. Rethman, K. A. Purtell, A. J. Haagsama, C. DeRoo, M. Jacobson, S. Kuhn, A. R. Peters, M. Ndong, S. A.Stewart, Z. Torstrick, R. Anthony, H. Chen, A. Howe, N. S. Badger, M. D. Miller, B. J. Foster, L. C. Rice, B. C. Vest, A. B. Aulie, A. Grovom, L. Elliott, and P. Kasavan
CEU Poster EA.00078, Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Santa Fe, NM (2010) - Performance comparison of MoNA and LISA neutron detectors
Kimberly Purtell , Kaitlynne Rethman , Autumn Haagsma , Joseph Finck , Jenna Smith , Jesse Snyder
CEU Poster EA.00090, Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Santa Fe, NM (2010) - Construction of the Large-area multi-Institutional Scintillator Array (LISA) Neutron Detector
Kaitlynne Rethman, Kimberly Purtell, Autumn Haagsma, Casey DeRoo, Megan Jacobson, Steve Kuhn, Alexander Peters, Tim Nagi, Sam Stewart, Zack Torstrick, Mathieu Ndong, Rob Anthony, Hengzhi Chen, Alex Howe, Nicholas Badger, Matthew Miller, Brad Vest , Ben Foster , Logan Rice , Alegra Aulie , Amanda Grovom , Philip Kasavan , Lewis Elliott
CEU Poster EA.00093, Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Santa Fe, NM (2010) - Search for angular anisotropies in neutron emissions of fragmentation reactions with secondary beams
Sam Novario, Greg Christian, Jenna Smith, Michael Thoennessen
CEU Poster EA.00081, Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Santa Fe, NM (2010) - Tagging the Decay of Neutron Unbound States near the Dripline
Alissa Wersal, Greg Christian, Michael Thoennessen, Artemis Spyrou
CEU Poster EA.00126, Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Santa Fe, NM (2010) - Analysis of an Experiment on Neutron-rich Isotopes
S. Ash, M. Warren, N. Frank, G. Christian, A. Gade, A. Spyrou, M. Thoennessen, T. Baumann, G. F. Grinyer, D. Weisshaar, P. A. DeYoung
CEU Poster EA.00005, Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Santa Fe, NM (2010) - MoNA and Two-Neutron Decay Analysis
Amanda Grovom, Alegra Aulie, Warren F. Rogers
CEU Poster EA.00007, Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Santa Fe, NM (2010)
2009 DNP Fall Meeting, Waikoloa, HI
- Spectroscopy of 12Li
E. Lunderberg, C. Hall, P. DeYoung, A. Spyrou, M. Thoennessen, MoNA Collaboration CEU Poster GB0.00070, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 54, No. 10, 150 (2009) - Observation of neutron-unbound resonant stated in 23O and 28Ne
J. Novak, S. Quinn, M. Strongman, S. Mosby, A. Spyrou, T. Baumann, M. Thoennessen, and the MoNA Collaboration
CEU Poster GB.00091, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 54, No. 10, 154 (2009) - Non-resonant Neutron Emission of Excited Neutron-Rich Nuclei
S. Quinn, J. Novak, M. Strongman, S. Mosby, A. Spyrou, T. Baumann, M. Thoennessen, and the MoNA Collaboration
CEU Poster GB.00100, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 54, No. 10, 155 (2009) - Accurate Position Calibration for Charged Fragments
A. Russell, J. E. Finck, A. Spyrou, M. Thoennessen, and the MoNA Collaboration
CEU Poster GB.00103, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 54, No. 10, 156 (2009)
2008 DNP Fall Meeting, Oakland, CA
- Geant4 Simulation of MoNA
A. Fritsch, M. Heim, T. Baumann, S. Mosby, A. Spyrou
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 53, No. 12, DA.00028 (2008) - Investigation of Neutron Scattering in the Modular Neutron Array (MoNA)
M. Gardener, W. F. Rogers
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 53, No. 12, DA.00030 (2008) - Experimental Observation of Decay Energy of 12,13Li
C. Hall, P.A. DeYoung, S. Mosby, A. Spyrou, M. Thoennessen
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 53, No. 12, DA.00037 (2008)
2007 DNP Fall Meeting, Newport News, VA
- Search for Upward Cosmic Rays
E. White, A. Spyrou, M. Thoennessen, T. Yoast-Hull, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 52, No. 9, 68 (2007) - Efficiency and Multi-Hit Capability Improvements of MoNA
T. Yoast-Hull, A. Spyrou, M. Thoennessen, E. White, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 52, No. 9, 69 (2007)
2006 DNP Fall Meeting, Nashville, TN
- An Automated Relative Time Calibration for MoNA
D. Albertson, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 51, No. 6, 48 (2006) - Analysis of Kinematics and Decay Energy in the Breakup of 7He
D. Denby, P. DeYoung, G, Peaslee, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 51, No. 6, 52 (2006) - Calibration of the Thick and Thin Scintillators for the NSCL/FSU Sweeper Magnet System
A. Hayes, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 51, No. 6, 54 (2006) - Cosmic Muon Flux Variations Using the Modular Neutron Array
E. Mosby, S. Mosby, J. Gillette, M. Reese, W.F. Rogers, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 51, No. 6, 58 (2006) - Neutron Multiplicity Discrimination in MoNA
S. Mosby, E. Mosby, W.F. Rogers, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 51, No. 6, 58 (2006)
DNP Fall Meeting, Maui, HI
- Tracking Single and Multiple Events in MoNA
A. Stump, A. Ratkiewicz, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 50, No. 6, 143 (2005) - MoNA Calibration and Neutron Tracking
S. Mosby, E. Mosby, W. F. Rogers, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 50, No. 6, 143 (2005)
2004 DNP Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL
- Determination of Position Resolution for the Modular Neutron Array Using Cosmic Rays
J. Miller, M. Kleber, B. Luther, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 49, No. 6, 60 (2004) - MoNA and Initial Measurements with 7He Resonance
T. Pike, R. Pepin, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 49, No. 6, 62 (2004) - Cosmic Muon Tracking with MoNA
K. Watters, L. Elliott, M. Strongman, W. Rogers
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 49, No. 6, 64 (2004) - Calibration of the Modular Neutron Array
R. Pepin, T. Pike, MoNA Collaboration
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 49, No. 6, 67 (2004)
2003 DNP Fall Meeting, Tucson, AZ
- Calibration of the Modular Neutron Array (MoNA)
S. Clark, N. Walker, W. Rogers, T. Baumann, M. Thoennessen, A. Stolz, W. Peters
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, No. 8, 51 (2003) - High Voltage Control of the Modular Neutron Array
S. Marley, T. Baumann, N. Frank, E. Johnson, W. Peters, M. Thoennessen, B. Luther
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, No. 8, 59 (2003) - Cosmic Rays in MoNA
E. Johnson, M. Thoennessen, T. Baumann, W. Peters, S. Marley, B. Luther
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, No. 8, 61 (2003)
2002 DNP Fall Meeting, East Lansing, MI
- Veto Detectors for the Micro-Modular Neutron Array
Y. Lu, T. Baumann, M. Thoennessen, E. Tryggestad, M. Evanger, B. Luther, M. Rajabali, R. Turner
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 47, No. 6, 48 (2002) - First Radioactive Beam Experiment with the Modular Neutron Array MoNA
M. Rajabali, M. Evanger, R. Turner, B. Luther, T. Baumann, Y. Lu, M. Thoennessen, E. Tryggestad
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 47, No. 6, 54 (2002) - Neutron Testing of the Micro-Modular Neutron Array
M. Evanger, M. Rajabali, R. Turner, B. Luther, T. Baumann, Y. Lu, M. Thoennessen, E. Tryggestad
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 47, No. 6, 55 (2002) - Cosmic Ray Testing of the Micro-Modular Neutron Array
R. Turner, M. Evanger, M. Rajabali, B. Luther, T. Baumann, Y. Lu, M. Thoennessen, E. Tryggestad
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 47, No. 6, 55 (2002) - The MoNA Project
P.J. VanWylen, J.P. Bychowski, P.A. DeYoung, G.F. Peaslee, The MoNA Consortium
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 47, No. 6, 60 (2002)
Other Undergraduate Posters
- Accurate Energy Calibrations from Cosmic Ray Measurements
A. DeLine
Posters at the Capitol, Capitol Rotunda, Lansing, Michigan, April 16, 2008